Friday, March 23, 2012

Nothing to Say

I am really just writing right now, to see what comes out.  There really isnt anything specific or important on my mind, other than the need to just put words on the screen.  Maybe this is narcisistic, maybe a touch egocentric, but I really dont care.  If you are reading this, you can probably stop now, as I doubt there will be anything profound in this blog. 

Currently listening to A TON of blues, everything from B.B. King to Stevie Ray Vaughan, Derek Trucks and Warren Haynes to Elmore James and Hubert Sumlin.  I gotta say, I love listening to the "old school dudes" much more than I like the new guitarists.  Don't get me wrong Joe Bonomassa is amazing, but there is something soul stirring that is in the old stuff. Nothing can compare to B.B. King singing The Thrill is Gone or Albert King's Born Under a Bad Sign.  There is so much soul, and pain and heartache and hope in those original versions that you cant help but feel the music. 

There is just something special about a true bluesman, maybe it's their honesty, no worried about being flashy, not trying to go over the top, just playing what is in their hearts.   It doesnt matter if they are the greatest singer in the world, as long as what they are singing is from the heart. 

I guess that is what really matters in life, it doesnt matter if you are the best so long as whatever you do is always from the heart. 

Maybe this blog had something to say after all. 

1 comment:

  1. Robert Johnson and Johnny Winter.

    And don't get me started on the Babysitter Blues from "Adventures in Babysitting."
